How execute jmeter in docker container

Cristian Guillen
1 min readMay 7, 2021


The following example creates a jmeter image to execute performance testing inside the container then get the results in a folder on the local machine. The code is based on and was modified to add all *.jmx inside the “Code” folder to be executed from the container. Also a Test.jmx was added as an example.

To run the case just execute the following lines inside the “code” folder

docker build -t “testing:jmeter” .
docker run -v <<PATH in your local machine>>/results:/results — name jmeter testing:jmeter <<Jmeter file and arguments>>

per example

docker build -t “testing:jmeter” .
docker run -v D:/jmeter_docker_example/results:/results — name jmeter testing:jmeter -n -t /Test.jmx -l /results/Test.jtl -e -o ../results/

Note that the arguments “-l /results/Test.jtl” and “-e -o ../results/” were added after “-n -t /Test.jmx” to generate a couple of reports that will be published in the “results” folder of your local machine

The results folder should look like this



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